Person centred training

Aimed at frontline staff and managers who are dealing directly with clients and their complex issues, whether via telephone, e-mail or face to face.


Change is an everyday part of life and we can either choose to get stuck or evolve. At Talking Therapy Clinic we believe the story of the human race is all about evolution and this is also true for every industry. New laws and policies are a constant as a result, this challenges us to find new ways of adapting to this change.

Clients presenting difficult and hard to deal with issues can bring its own challenges.

Communication is pivotal in the way we relate to each other and a more humanistic approach fosters this connection. In regular surveys when asked what is the number one thing that clients would like from service providers, they responded with “being listened to”. This has formed the basis of our bespoke training programme that looks at how to engage with clients to ensure they feel heard!

Dealing with clients in a humanistic way focuses on the key area of “being heard” as it is crucial the clients feel that they are:
Being included in solving their own problem.

Benefits to the workforce are also advantageous as some industries can see a high turnover of officers, especially in the frontline. One of the reasons for this is that officers feel helpless in resolving issues and this can create a feeling of going through the motion. Clients can become stats, stats turn into numbers and the human connection is ultimately lost. The effect of this can be absenteeism, illness and poor customer care.

We at Talking Therapy Clinic believe the approach to working in a more humanistic way engages the workforce in finding different ways of being effective and relating to the clients that they serve. This in turn boosts productivity as officers feel more involved in helping clients find solutions. With the development of a more humanistic and client focused way of assessing their needs, this will provide an opportunity to have the client’s requirements at the forefront of the interaction.

Goals of this course

This practical course focuses on how to engage with clients and convey a more client centered approach by demonstrating active listening skills and new interviewing techniques to garner positive outcomes. It also looks at how to rationally and effectively deal with difficult clients, how to be assertive, say ‘no’ when required and motivate difficult people to moderate their behaviour.

The major objective of this programme is to assist staff to develop a person centred approach to interacting, assessing and interviewing clients.

Through led discussion, practical and interactive activities, scenario-based learning using case studies, group discussion and individual exercises, attendees should be able to:

Identify with different types of clients and their needs by demonstrating reflective listening skills
Use motivational interviewing skills as a way of conveying understanding to a client of their issue
Deal with all clients in a person-centered way
Manage clients’ expectations
Develop assertiveness strategies and understand the difference between passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour
Practice saying ‘no’ and meaning ‘no’ more often, and without feeling guilty and/or repeatedly apologising
Appreciate the role that conflict resolution plays in dealing with difficult people and recognise the stages in conflict escalation and how reacting [or not, as the case may be] at an earlier stage might help moderate difficult behaviour
Learn how to stop taking things personally, to develop emotional intelligence, which leads to resilience.
Appreciate the important impact of your personality, and that of others, in dealing with clients
Develop ways in which to motivate clients to be proactive in resolving their own housing issues, by understanding human needs and wants
Recognise appropriate body language to use when dealing with difficult people and how to encourage them to be forthcoming with information

About Talking Therapy Clinic

Talking Therapy Clinic is an organisation that specialises in providing talking therapies with the aim of aiding clients presenting with emotional and or mental issues in finding a resolution to their ills. We also use our unique counselling knowledge to create bespoke training programmes that facilitates the learning from an angle steeped in premier communication skills.

The Person-Centred Training was influenced by our direct work with employers and organisations in creating a programme that informs, educates and delivers to a wide spectrum of needs. We have provided training for leading public sectors such as Westminster Council and Enfield Council and also SMEs. We specialise in helping people learn how best to connect and communicate effectively.

Ready to go?

Work with a team of energetic and knowledgeable staff with a wealth of practical experience and strong theoretical and practical background.

Interested in this training? Send us a message below and we will get back to you.

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